Monday 26 June 2017

Health and Safety UNIT 27

When producing a graphic narrative in a professional setting, you need to be careful in where you're stepping because in a studio there's probably a few computers that have cables all over the floor which can be dangerous to any individual. Also when you're are using a computer for a long time it can affect your eye sight. Furthermore, if you're in front of a computer for a long time and haven't taken any brake, you should definitely take one because it might not only affect your eye sight, but it will also affect your back or even legs because you were siting still for a long time. To conclude, having liquids around you while you're on computer might be dangerous as well because if it spills it might not only damage the computer, but might also cause a fire due to the damaged circuit.

Friday 23 June 2017

Stop Motion Story Board UNIT39

Black background with the title of the stop motion showing.

One-shot of every character moving around the magic forest.

At the end of the stopmotion, a A4 sheet of paper appears saying "The End"

Black background with credits showing who the producer and director are, title, etc.

Stop Motion Moodboard UNIT 39

Stop Motion Treatment UNIT 39

Production Idea: My idea was to have 4 different fairies, flying around the magic forest.

Format: One-Shot. Throughout the whole stop motion the camera was still, only the characters were moving.

Materials: cardboard, paint, colour pencils and pens, A4 sheets of paper, scissors and string.

Characters: On my stop motion there were 4 different characters. The first one was Lyla and she's very fast and very tanned. Second on was Alicia and she loves to sleep. Third one was Becky and she's very mysterious. The last one was Elly and she loves sweets.

Sets/Background: For my background I used paint to do everything. My background has a big tree in the middle and the sky is red,orange and yellow full of stars.

Audio: I used the sound provided by the app.

Audience: Children age between 6-12

Viewing Context: YouTube

Stop Motion Evaluation UNIT 39

About: My animation is about fairies that live in a magic forest. I decided to produce this because I though it was very entertaining for children.

Pre-production: To design the characters I used a A4 sheet of paper to draw them and then used colour pencils and pens to paint them. For my background I drew a big tree which had fruits with the shape of hearts and balls. On the background the sky had the colours red, orange and yellow. To do all this I used normal paint.

Audience Feedback: When I showed my audience what I produced they really liked the background and  the how a designed the characters. The only thing they said I could've of done better was the quality of the video.

Strengths and weaknesses: In my opinion I think the background was really pretty and the characters were really funny. I also liked how I used a string to make it look like the characters can fly. The thing that I should've improved was the quality. The reason for the bad quality was because I used a phone to do the stop motion instead of a proper camera.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Evaluation UNIT 27

Narrative Structure

For my first animation I decided to draw the to characters facing foward with their names on top of their had do people know who they are.

The two characters fall in love and the male goes to the female's square and they live happily ever after.


Cause and effect:
The cause is that the characters fell in love after they fell of the top floor and effect is that they ended with a deep kiss and lived happly forever.

Image Construction

I decided to draw my layout with 10 rectangles and have all the action there. The reason for this is because I thought it was something different.

I tried to draw my comic in a way that would make it easier for my audience to read. It isn't a difficult order, you just to look at each column and when you finish you just have to look down.

I decided to use bright colours because I thought it would be more appealing to my audience such as; green, orange,yellow, pink and red.


On my comic I decided to only have the sounds the characters make instead of having them talking, because I know that children don't always like to read, but see images or drawings.

Production processes

While producing my evaluation I decided to draw something simple that would be easy for my audience to understand. To produce my comic I took 30/40min because I wanted to make it as colourful as could and I wanted to look interesting to children.

Case Studies- Manga UNIT 27

Manga is a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children.
All the pages are usually black and white, but front covers are usually colourful.

Product Context UNIT 27

The format of my graphic narrative was inspired by newspaper production because they're very easy to read and quite simple. The only difference between my graphic narrative and a newspaper production is that my comic doesn't have any dialogue and is a bit longer.

My product UNIT 27

Planning UNIT 27

I wanted my comic to be very simple and very colourful. I was inspired to do a small comic like the one on the news paper. The only difference mine will have it's just that it won't have any dialogue and it will be a bit bigger. I wanted my characters to be as simple as possible because I thought it would be more easier for children  to understand.

The title for my comic will simply be "Colorful Love" and it's going to be about 2 little balls(one a male and the other one a female) that fell in love after their eyes met.

It's a simple story and very easy to understand.

My comic will only have one page and on that page there will be 10 rectangles where that action will happen. It will also be very colourful, because I want it to be appealing for children.

My target audience

I wanted my target audience to be small children age between 6-10. The reason I chose this target audience was because my comic will look very colourful and easy to understand. I thought it would be more appealing for children.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Reflection- 08/05/2017

Today on my animation lesson I began to draw the characters for my manga.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Case Studies - Osamu Tezuka

Osamu Tezuka was a Japanese manga artistcartoonistanimatorfilm producermedical doctor and activist. He was born on the 3rd of November 1928 in Toyonaka, Osaka and died at the age 60 in 1989.
He was credited as the "Godfather of Manga""God of comic""Kamisama of manga"He has published a variety of manga (more than 30). The majority of his works are child-friendly, but there's also a few stories aimed towards adult audience. He also invented the distinctive large eyes prominent in both manga and anime.

Examples of his work:

This some of his notable work.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Introduction to Graphic Narratives

What is Graphic Narrative?

Graphic narrative is a book that tells stories using pictures.

Example of Graphic Novels;


   Manga is  a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. Unlike normal comic books, all pages in a manga are in black and white. Also the reading order is different from normal books.

 To read a manga you have to start it from the back of the book and read it from the right to the left. At first it's really weird, but after a few attempts it starts getting easy to read.

You can usually buy manga or read them online.

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots. 

Comic Books/ strips

A comic book/strip is a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story, typically printed in a newspaper or magazine. You can read them on a newspaper, online, ect... 


  A photo-story is a strip cartoon with photographs in place of drawings. They can usually be seen in storyboards

Children Books

Image result for children books     
This books are specifically for children. People make them so children can entertain themselves and learn new things from them.