Thursday 22 June 2017

Planning UNIT 27

I wanted my comic to be very simple and very colourful. I was inspired to do a small comic like the one on the news paper. The only difference mine will have it's just that it won't have any dialogue and it will be a bit bigger. I wanted my characters to be as simple as possible because I thought it would be more easier for children  to understand.

The title for my comic will simply be "Colorful Love" and it's going to be about 2 little balls(one a male and the other one a female) that fell in love after their eyes met.

It's a simple story and very easy to understand.

My comic will only have one page and on that page there will be 10 rectangles where that action will happen. It will also be very colourful, because I want it to be appealing for children.

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