Friday 23 June 2017

Stop Motion Evaluation UNIT 39

About: My animation is about fairies that live in a magic forest. I decided to produce this because I though it was very entertaining for children.

Pre-production: To design the characters I used a A4 sheet of paper to draw them and then used colour pencils and pens to paint them. For my background I drew a big tree which had fruits with the shape of hearts and balls. On the background the sky had the colours red, orange and yellow. To do all this I used normal paint.

Audience Feedback: When I showed my audience what I produced they really liked the background and  the how a designed the characters. The only thing they said I could've of done better was the quality of the video.

Strengths and weaknesses: In my opinion I think the background was really pretty and the characters were really funny. I also liked how I used a string to make it look like the characters can fly. The thing that I should've improved was the quality. The reason for the bad quality was because I used a phone to do the stop motion instead of a proper camera.

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