Thursday 22 June 2017

Evaluation UNIT 27

Narrative Structure

For my first animation I decided to draw the to characters facing foward with their names on top of their had do people know who they are.

The two characters fall in love and the male goes to the female's square and they live happily ever after.


Cause and effect:
The cause is that the characters fell in love after they fell of the top floor and effect is that they ended with a deep kiss and lived happly forever.

Image Construction

I decided to draw my layout with 10 rectangles and have all the action there. The reason for this is because I thought it was something different.

I tried to draw my comic in a way that would make it easier for my audience to read. It isn't a difficult order, you just to look at each column and when you finish you just have to look down.

I decided to use bright colours because I thought it would be more appealing to my audience such as; green, orange,yellow, pink and red.


On my comic I decided to only have the sounds the characters make instead of having them talking, because I know that children don't always like to read, but see images or drawings.

Production processes

While producing my evaluation I decided to draw something simple that would be easy for my audience to understand. To produce my comic I took 30/40min because I wanted to make it as colourful as could and I wanted to look interesting to children.

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