Tuesday 28 March 2017

Introduction to Graphic Narratives

What is Graphic Narrative?

Graphic narrative is a book that tells stories using pictures.

Example of Graphic Novels;


   Manga is  a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. Unlike normal comic books, all pages in a manga are in black and white. Also the reading order is different from normal books.

 To read a manga you have to start it from the back of the book and read it from the right to the left. At first it's really weird, but after a few attempts it starts getting easy to read.

You can usually buy manga or read them online.

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots. 

Comic Books/ strips

A comic book/strip is a sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story, typically printed in a newspaper or magazine. You can read them on a newspaper, online, ect... 


  A photo-story is a strip cartoon with photographs in place of drawings. They can usually be seen in storyboards

Children Books

Image result for children books     
This books are specifically for children. People make them so children can entertain themselves and learn new things from them.

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