Tuesday 29 November 2016

What am I going to do?

Because I want my animation to be based in super heroes I got inspired on the characters that are down below. I'm still wondering if I should make my characters look like actual super-heroes or not. 

Also, If by any case I decide to make my animation look creepy I decided to make my hero look like the character down below. I'm still deciding what characters I should inspire by.

Every character is going to to be created with plasticine because it's easier for me to do it and I think they will look pretty good.

Further more I want to include monster (maybe aliens) I to do that I was inspired by the monster down below. I think he looks pretty creepy, but awesome at the same time and I think it's going to look really sick if try to do it with plasticine.

I want my setting to be a cave but not just a normal cave, maybe a super-heroes cave or something really weird. The whole point of doing the animation is to show that different is good, that even that creepiest things can be pretty awesome. Also I might include a spaceship because I want a bit of everything on my animation. I still haven't decided what music I'm going to use but hopefully I'll find it as soon as possible.

The first thing my animation will be showing is the hero inside the cave walking around or maybe talking to someone and then out of nowhere a spaceship appears and maybe two monsters come out of it and pick a fight with the hero. I still can't decide if I want the hero to lose or to win because in most ''super-heroes stories' the ending is always a happy ending, I still need to think about it. 

Moreover I think instead of one hero I might have two, one male and the other one female, because I want the audience to know that my animation can be seen by both genders. 

I'm currently deciding if this is what I really want to do, but this is a summary of what I have in mind at the moment.

My animation ideas

I was inspired by the Brothers Quay. Their work is very impressive but really creepy, but the is what makes it interesting. Their settings are mostly black. If you watch one of their works you'll see that they almost look like a horror movie. Also they use various techniques that make me wonder how they did that when their just using stop motion.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Contemporary genres and forms of animation




Image result for pingu

Contemporary animators

The Brothers Quay

Stephen and Timothy Quay are American identical twin brothers better known as the Brothers Quay or Quay Brothers. They are influential stop-motion animators.

One of their work: 


Their work is a pit creepy but pretty original, because they show to the audience different ways to use stop motion.

Monday 17 October 2016

Significant developers

Willis O'Brien

Willis Harold O'Brien (March 2, 1886 – November 8, 1962) was an American motion picture special effects and stop-motion animation pioneer, who according to ASIFA-Hollywood "was responsible for some of the best-known images in cinema history.


Willis O'Brien was the one who produced the movie King Kong in 1933. Although the movie is very old the scenes are amazing. The movie shows us how much the film making industry had developed during that time.

One of the scenes:


Tuesday 11 October 2016

Pioneers and early inventions:

Joseph Plateau was born in 1801 and was the first person to demonstrate the illusion of a moving image.
To do this he used counter rotating disks with repeating drawn images in small increments of motion on one and regularly spaced slits in the other. He called this device of 1832 the phenakitoscope.


The phenakistoscope (also spelled phenakistiscope or phenakitiscope) was an early animation device that used the persistence of vision principle to create an illusion of motion.


Flip Book